Tag Archives: house tour

Photo tour

A month in, not much has changed to the structure of the house. We have been moving in, setting furniture up & having lots of fun. Here are some snapshots of the house. Pardon the mess, I didn’t stage much! Some are from a bit later in the day after regular cleaning, though still not photos a realtor would use. Good thing we aren’t going anywhere!



The “new” kitchen… with it’s still unfinished patch near the door, and on the ceiling, unfinished island, and moving boxes to be unpacked.


I’m still in love with my hoosier cabinet. LOVE.


imageThe “old” kitchen area is very dark. Our single bulb burned out. Waiting for delivery of our super neato new ones. Lets face it, I don’t really have the time (read: energy) to get to Home Depot right now for a light bulb, so l’m getting it shipped.

Living Room


imageThat’s the moving box drop zone. Each day, I try to unpack 1 box/bag. Some days, nothing gets put away. This pile is slowly getting smaller.

Dining Room


Big Bedroom


The pack n play is at the foot of the bed under the a/c vent, and besides a couple of dressers, the drying rack is the only thing in the room. This room will probably be the last to be truly decorated. The follow picture is a good indication of why that’s so.


We use a baby gate to keep the cat/toddler out of the hallway. Lily’s nursery still houses the table saw since we need to finish trimming her closets and door. We also need to build a wall with a door in it from this part of our room to this end of the hallway.

Patsy’s room




Her room is “done” construction wise, but needs decorations. My mom made her some awesome curtains, which I’ll hang soon, and then add some art, etc.



This room needs curtains, trim painted, and some decorating, but definitely works on a functional level. It’s where we spend the vast majority of our time.

So that’s where the house stands today. I laugh when people ask if we’re done, since we so clearly are just beginning, even 8.5 months after closing and 1 month post move in. Slowly but surely we’ll keep turning this place into our little piece of family friendly urban living heaven. Thank you again to all the family and friends who have spent time helping us, for all the prayers and well wishes, and for all the support along the way. And if you ever get a random inclination to paint something, feel free to come over and get friendly with some trim in here! Will somebody else please tell me that they are living or have lived in a house that’s also far from “done?”